Once a roman ...
'The famous squad of British philosophers....'
(as one of many major recent press stories described us) has just returned
from Rome where we got to the final of the 'partita per pierpaolo' , losing
undeservedly to the Pasoliniana, a group of assorted actors and journalists,
on penalties. We had earlier beaten the film directors 4-0, with goals from
Clarkey (2), Kieran and Mauro, knocking 4 past Davide Ferraro, one of Italy's
leading contemporary film directors. We had phenomenal coverage in yesterday's
Italian press - no less than six national papers gave it prominent coverage
and complimented the team of the tournament. The compliments included comparisons
between Clarkey and Tony Morley and Kieran with Glenn Hoddle, no less.
I was very proud of the way we played in this tournament in front of cameras,
journalists and a good crowd. Great to see our Roman friends again - Matteo,
loaned out to the victorious Pasoliniana, with Niccolò making his first
appearance aged 3 weeks, Marco Uno and Lele. Giacomo amnd Vito also there
on their return to Rome.
Superb organisation from Filippo and Luigi. Great shirts from Hugh which got
a lot of coverage
Also took in an enjoyable Roma v. Ascoli match where Damiano Tomassi, a true
philosopher who plays for love rather than money (currently earning €1500
per month at Roma), made his comeback after 17 months out.
Ally's tour diary and other reports to follow.
-- Gaffer
Tour quiz
Test yourself agaisnt the Gaffer's wit with the Gaffer's traditional tour quiz; the touring squad will be taking this on the flight to Paris. Send your answers to the Gaffer.
Luther Blissett Plays Football for Pasolini on 30th anniversary of his death (25 October 2005)
Blissett, the former Watford and England striker, who once had a short spell
with AC Milan in the early 1980s, returns to Italy this weekend to play in
a football tournament to commemorate the life and work of Pier Paolo Pasolini,
who died 30 years ago this week. Blissett will play for Philosophy Football
FC, the London-based team of philosophers and writers, who have produced a
commemorative shirt to mark Pasolini's love of football. The name Luther Blissett
has been associated in recent years with an anarchist
collective who co-wrote the best-sellling Q.
The tournament also includes the Nazionale Registi, the team of Italian film
directors, the writers team Osvaldo Soriano and a team of Pasolini's actors,
the Pasoliniana, to reflect the breadth of Pasolini's contribution as a film
director, poet and writer. The tournament, organised by the city of Rome with
the support of Mayor Walter Veltroni and Gianni Rivera, Assessore for Sport,
takes place on Saturday 29 October at 2pm at Campo Francesca Gianni, Via Casali
di San Basilio, Rome, close to Pasolini's former home. The event has already
been featured in today's Gazzetta
dello Sport and Ansa (see below). Click here for the programme
of the event.
For more details contact: Geoff Andrews 0044 7976 635489 or 0039 349 5177
858 or Filippo Ricci 0044 781 804 8343 or 0039 335 6277 458.
CALCIO: Per Ricordare Pasolini Torna in Italia Anche Blisset a 30 Anni da Morte Artista Comune Roma Organizza Quadrangolare (ANSA, 25 ott.)
Tra le iniziative organizzate dal Comune di Roma per ricordare i 30 anni della scomparsa di Pier Paolo Pasolini, sabato prossimo ce ne sara' una dedicata alla grande passione dell'artista: il calcio. ''La partita di Pier Paolo'', quadrangolare di calcio per ricordare Pasolini, si svolgera' al campo Francesca Gianni della Cisco Roma. Alle ore 14 con ingresso libero, gli arbitri dell Uisp di Roma, l associazione che ha curato tutto l aspetto organizzativo, daranno il fischio d inizio della rassegna che vedra' coinvolte quattro squadre: l'Osvaldo Soriano Football Club, la squadra degli scrittori italiani capitanata da Alessandro Baricco e allenata da Paolo Sollier; il Philosophy Football FC, squadra londinese che a Pasolini ha dedicato una delle sue celebri maglie legate a calcio e letteratura e che schiera tra le sue fila l ex centravanti del Milan Luther Blissett che ritorna in Italia dopo essere diventato un cult letterario (usando il suo nome come pseudonimo un gruppo di scrittori bolognesi ha pubblicato libri di grande successo); la Nazionale Registi fondata dal regista Alessandro Piva; la Pasoliniana, squadra composta da attori, giornalisti, politici e che sara' allenata per l occasione da Giacomo Bulgarelli, uno dei giocatori favoriti di Pier Paolo Pasolini. A due passi da San Basilio dunque - uno dei luoghi piu' celebri della Roma pasoliniana - scrittori, registi, attori, giornalisti, amici e ammiratori si riuniranno intorno al campo della Cisco Roma per un omaggio sportivo tra pallone e ricordi. Il quadrangolare iniziera' alle 14 con due semifinali da 40 minuti. Al termine delle due gare si disputeranno le finali per il terzo e il primo posto. (ANSA).
Geoff Andrews 0039 349 5177 858; Filippo Ricci 0039 335 6277 458